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Lesson Transcript

Hi everybody and welcome back to top Norwegian words. Today, we are going to look at 10 Ways to Remember Words. Uh, that’s a good one. Let’s get started.
1. Repetisjon "repetition"
Repetisjon er veldig viktig når man skal huske noe. "Repetition is very important when one has to remember something."
Maybe you already use the flashcards that we have at NorwegianClass101.com. Those are really good to help the words stick.
2. Å se TV-serier med undertekster "to watch TV series with subtitles"
Jeg ser ofte på TV serier med undertekster for å forstå det som blir sagt. "I often watch TV series with subtitles to understand what is being said."
Since Norway is a very small country, we usually use subtitles for almost everything we send on TV including Danish shows and Swedish shows and we have a lot of English shows as well. I am sure you are already familiar with the Norwegian drama Skam. So that is a very popular one. You might want to check out if you haven’t done so yet.
3. Å øve ved skriving "to practice by writing"
Det er viktig å øve ved å skrive ting ned. "It is important to practice by writing things down."
Or just for remembering in general. I often write down what I need to do for the day, for instance. So, for a top thing to do list, this would definitely be essential.
4. Å lese høyt "to read out loud"
Jeg leser ofte høyt for barna mine. "I often read out loud for my kids. "
I often read out loud for my kids. My parents used to read for me every night before going to bed and I would even remember the exact sentences in the books. And I would go like, no, mommy, you skipped a line here. You skipped a line here. Yeah. I hope my kids won’t be like that in the future.
5. Å skape assosiasjoner mellom ord "to create associations between words"
Assosier ett ord med et annet for å huske dem bedre. "Associate one word with another to remember them better."
So, you can for instance take the word kjøleskap which literally means “cooling cabinets,” but it’s a refrigerator. Ta-da!
6. Å pugge ved å høre "to memorize by listening"
Du bør skrive ned og pugge ord du ikke forstår når du hører dem. "You should write down and memorize words you don't understand when you hear them."
Yeah. When learning a new language, there is so many words that you have to learn. So unless you write them down, you are gonna forget them. So go ahead and write down all the words you’ve learned today.
7. Å lese enkle tekster "to read simple texts"
Det finner mange enkle tekster du kan lese for å øve deg. "There are lots of simple texts you can read to practice."
You could, for instance, try to read books by Anne-Cath. Vestly, those are really popular and easy to read.
8. Å repetere før du legger deg "to repeat before going to sleep"
Om du repeterer noe før du legger deg husker du kanskje alt neste morgen. "If you repeat before going to bed, you might remember everything the next morning."
If you study before going to sleep, you might even dream about what you’re studying. So you are killing two birds with one stone, right? To fluer i en smekk.
9. Å snakke med venner "to talk with friends"
Jeg snakker ofte med venner. "I often talk to friends."
Well, you should definitely make some Norwegian friends you can talk to in Norwegian every day and then I am pretty sure you’ll get good very fast.
10. Å spille spill "to play games"
Spiller du mye spill? "Do you often play games?"
You can notice how the words spiller and spill have the same roots. You can add an -er at the end of the noun and you’ll get a verb. So for instance, we say å spille et spill, “to play a game” or å leke et lek, which also can mean “to play a game” actually. So there are a variety of words where we use this grammar pattern.
Okay everybody. Thank you all for watching. We’ve been looking at 10 Ways to Remember Words. If you have any advice for our listeners about how they can remember as well, please leave us a comment in the comments section below. Vi ses neste gang. Goodbye. See you again!

