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Lesson Transcript

Hi everyone, this is Anette from norwegianclass101.com, today, we are looking at 15 Must Know Family Words. So let’s get started.
1. Familie "family"
Dette er min familie. "This is my family."
2. Far "father"
Faren min heter Geir. "My father's name is Geir."
My father’s name is Trond, like the city Trondheim. Hello dad!
3. Mann "husband"
Mannen min og jeg har vært gift i 5 år. "My husband and I have been married for 5 years."
Mann can also mean the same as in English, man. So sometimes, you have to judge out of context whether it is husband or man the person is referring to.
4. Sønn "son"
Jeg har to sønner. "I have two sons."
5. Bror "brother"
Broren min er tre år eldre enn meg. "My brother is three years older than me."
I actually do have a brother but he is two years younger than me - to år yngre.
6. Onkel "uncle"
Onkelen min ligner veldig på pappa. "My uncle looks a lot like my dad."
Hello uncle? Hope you are watching this video.
7. Bestefar "grandfather"
Bestefar er 86 år gammel. "Grandfather is 86 years old."
The word bestefar means “best father.” In Norwegian, you can actually distinguish between farfar, father is father and morfar, mother’s father. And the same goes for grandmother as well. So it’s very easy to remember but then again, you can also use bestefar if you are uncertain of which of the side the grandparent is from.
8. Svigerfar "father-in-law"
Min svigefar er veldig hyggelig. "My father-in-law is very nice."
And that is true.
9. Mor "mother"
Min mor jobber som sykepleier. "My mother works as a nurse."
Actually, my mother is working as a teacher, laerer. Hi mom?
10. Datter "daughter"
Datteren min går på ungdomsskolen. "My daughter goes to secondary school."
11. Søster "sister"
Min søster bor nærme meg. "My sister lives close to me."
I don’t have any sisters, just a brother.
12. Kone "wife"
Min kone er flink til å lage mat. "My wife is good at making food."
No, no I don’t have a wife.
13. Svigermor "mother-in-law"
Svigermoren min er masete. "My mother-in-law is fussy."
14. Bestemor "grandmother"
Bestemoren min har gått bort. "My grandmother passed away."
And again, bestemor means "best mother". You can also say farmor for dad’s mother or mormor for mother’s mother.
15. Partner "partner"
Han er en veldig god partner. "He's a very good partner."

