Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Hei, jeg heter Nora. Hi everybody! I’m Nora.
Welcome to NorwegianClass101.com’s “Norsk på 3 minutter”. The fastest, easiest, and most fun way to learn Norwegian.
In the last lesson, we learned how to use the verb å like.
In this lesson, we will learn how to use å komme, the fourth verb in our series dedicated to the most common Norwegian verbs.
å komme means "to come" in Norwegian, and we use it a lot! So let’s go! La oss begynne!
Imagine a friend of yours is having lunch at a café and he asks you Har du lyst til å komme? That means "Would you like to come?"
So supposing you want to go, you will say, Ja, jeg kommer! That means "Yes I’m coming!”
[slowly] Ja, jeg kommer.
So let’s break down this answer.
First we had-
Ja which is simply "Yes."
Then Jeg, which is "I" in Norwegian
After that we have kommer, which is the present tense form of the verb å komme.
So, all together it is Ja, jeg kommer.
In Norwegian, å komme means "to come."
It is a very common verb that you should be careful not to mix up with å dra, which only means "to go to", as we’ve seen before.
å komme is often used to invite someone. If you are organizing a party, for example, you can invite your guests by asking them kommer du til festen i kveld? That is "are you coming to the party tonight?"
To answer this question, you can add something after this verb, as in Ja, jeg kommer med noen venner. Here you said "Yes, I am coming with some friends." The common expression to say you are coming with your boyfriend or girlfriend is Ja, jeg kommer med kjæresten which literally means "Yes I’m coming with my partner."
The verb å komme is also often used as an order or as motivational advice, as in kom igjen! "Come on!" Or Kom her! That is, "Come here!"
You can add the word igjen “again” or tilbake “back” after å komme to create sentences like "I'll come back tomorrow" -- Jeg kommer tilbake i morgen!
Now it’s time for Nora’s Insights.
Just like in English you can also use the verb å komme to say "Come in!" For example, if you’re inviting someone to enter a room.
In this case it will be Kom inn! That means "Come in!"
In this lesson, we learned how to use the verb å komme to ask people to join others!
So now, our lessons series about common Norwegian verbs is over, and from the next lesson, we will jump into some very important question words!
Do you know how to ask "What" questions in Norwegian? I’ll be waiting for you in the next Norsk på 3 minutter lesson.

