In this lesson, we’ll introduce you to some more useful phrases for hotels and the like. The first phrase is “When do I pay the accommodation fee?” In Nynorsk, this is: |
Når er det eg må betale overnattinga? |
Let’s break it down: |
(slow) Når er det eg må be-ta-le o-ver-nat-ting-a? |
Once more: |
Når er det eg må betale overnattinga? |
The first section, når er det?, literally means “when is it?” in English. |
(slow) Når er det? |
Når er det? |
Then we have eg må, which means “I must.” Eg is “I” and må is the verb “must.” |
(slow) Eg må. |
Eg må. |
Next is betale, a verb meaning “pay.” |
(slow) Be-ta-le. |
Betale. |
After that, you have the long word overnattinga, which is “the accommodation.” |
(slow) O-ver-nat-ting-a. |
Overnattinga. |
Altogether: |
(slow) Når er det eg må be-ta-le o-ver-nat-ting-a? |
Når er det eg må betale overnattinga? |
Literally, this is “When is it I must pay the accommodation,” but a better translation is “When do I pay for the accommodation?” |
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Let’s try asking “Could I have some soap?” In Nynorsk this is: |
Kan eg få litt såpe? |
Let’s break it down: |
(slow) Kan eg få litt så-pe? |
Once more: |
Kan eg få litt såpe? |
The first three words, kan eg få?, literally mean “Can I get...?” |
(slow) Kan eg få? |
Kan eg få? |
Next we have litt which means “a bit” or “some” in English. |
(slow) Litt. |
Litt. |
And at the end, we have såpe which means “soap.” |
(slow) Så-pe. |
Såpe. |
All together, it is: |
(slow) Kan eg få litt så-pe? |
Kan eg få litt såpe? |
The literal translation in English is “Can I get a bit of soap?” |
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Here are some additional things you may ask for when you are staying in a hotel. |
Badehandkle which means “Bath towel.” |
(slow) Ba-de-hand-kle. |
Badehandkle. |
Tannkost (“Toothbrush”) |
(slow) Tann-kost. |
Tannkost. |
Tannkrem (“Toothpaste”) |
(slow) Tann-krem. |
Tannkrem. |
Sjampo (“Shampoo”) |
(slow) Sjam-po. |
Sjampo. |
In order to ask something else, all you have to do is to replace the word såpe with any other word from those we just learned. |