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Get 40% off with the Now or Never sale. Hurry! Ends soon! Blog
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Summer Solstice Celebration: Midsummer Day in Norway

Around the time of the summer solstice, Norway begins its celebration of Midsummer. With the weather warm and the days long, there couldn’t be a better time to enjoy the Midsummer festival Norway puts on each year. On Midsummer, Norway’s traditions have lost much of their original meaning and significance, but Norwegians still find Midsummer Day a time of fun and merriment.

In learning about Midsummer’s Eve traditions in Norway, you’re opening your eyes to some unique facets of the country’s culture. And as any successful language-learner can attest to, understanding a country’s culture is essential in mastering its language.

At, we aim to make this learning journey both fun and informative!


1. What is Midsummer Day?

On Midsummer Day, Norway remembers the birth of John the Baptist and celebrates midsummer or the summer solstice. Midsummer’s Eve can also be called jonsok, which originates from Norse and means “vigil for Jon.”

A long time ago, people believed that witches and other supernatural elements were abnormally strong on Midsummer’s Eve, since the sun turns that day. People gathered herbs and made a bonfire to keep the witches away. This was the origin of the Midsummer’s Eve bonfire.

Even if St. John’s Eve as a folk tradition isn’t so strong anymore, Norwegians still appreciate this summer holiday.

2. When is Midsummer?

Month of June

Norway celebrates Midsummer (and the birth of John the Baptist) each year on June 23.

3. Reading Practice: Midsummer’s Eve Traditions

A Bonfire

How do Norwegians celebrate Midsummer today? On Midsummer night, Norway is known for its record-breaking bonfires, but that’s not all. Learn more about this Midsummer holiday Norway so enjoy by reading the Norwegian text below. You can find the English translation directly below it.

De aller fleste nordmenn starter feiringen av Sankthansaften på ettermiddagen. Venner og familie samles for å spise og drikke sammen, og det vanligste er å grille. Etter dette leker barn og voksne , eller bare slapper av med prating. Dagen etter Sankthansaften er ikke lenger en fridag, så det finnes en del nordmenn som nå lar være å feire sankthansaften.

Etter man har spist og kost seg i flere timer, drar alle sammen og ser på at Sankthansbålet blir tent. Langs Norges kystlinje kan man se bål et etter et og mennesker som samles rundt de store bålene. Å se på Sankthansbålet brenne i skumringen er noe nordmenn synes er ekstra fint. Noen steder, som i nord, er det også en tradisjon å gå opp i fjellene istedet for å se på bål.

På sankthansaften i Norge er det ikke bare bål som blir satt fyr på, men også båter. På sørlandet, i Flekkefjord, er det vanlig å sette fyr på en gammel båt som er fylt med brennbare materialer. Denne tradisjonen startet på 1800-tallet, da ungdom fant en gammel bål, fylte den opp, tente på og så dro de denne båten med seg omkring i gatene. Grunnet brannfare blir denne båten nå ankret på sjøen og tent på der.

Most Norwegians will start the celebration in the afternoon. Friends and family gather to eat and drink together, and the most common activity is to barbecue. After this, the children and adults will play or relax and chat. The day after Midsummer’s Eve is no longer a holiday, so some Norwegians refrain from celebrating St. John’s Eve.

After eating and having fun for hours, everyone goes together to watch the lighting of St John’s bonfires. Along Norway’s coastline, you can see one bonfire after another and people gathering around the big bonfires. Looking at a bonfire burn in the dusk is something Norwegians really like. In certain places, it is also tradition to go up into the mountains instead of enjoying bonfires.

Midsummer’s Eve in Norway doesn’t only see bonfires set on fire, but also boats. In the southern part of Norway, in Flekkefjord, it is common to set an old boat filled with burning materials on fire. This tradition started in the 1800s when kids found an old boat, filled it up, lit a fire, and pulled the boat through the streets. Because of the fire hazard, boats are now anchored in the ocean and set alight there.

4. Tallest Bonfire in Norway

When it comes to the Midsummer bonfire, Norway isn’t just playing around. How tall do you think the biggest bonfire has been in Norway to date?

The tallest bonfire in Norway was in 2016, measuring 47.4 meters (about 155.5 feet). This bonfire currently holds the world record, and is called Slinningsbålet, referring to the tallest bonfire. Because of the fire hazard and pollution, many places in Norway prohibit St. John’s Eve bonfires.

5. Useful Vocabulary for Midsummer in Norway

Wreath of Flowers

Here’s the most important vocabulary you should know for the Midsummer holiday in Norway!

  • Sommer — “Summer”
  • Juni — “June”
  • Grille — “Grill”
  • Midtsommer — “Midsummer”
  • Solverv — “Solstice”
  • Bål — “Bonfire”
  • Ild — “Fire”
  • Midnattsol — “Midnight sun
  • Kyst — “Coast”
  • Selskap — “Company”
  • Jorbær — “Strawberry”
  • Blomsterkrans — “Flower wreath”

To hear each of these vocabulary words pronounced, visit our Norwegian Midsummer Day vocabulary list. Here, each word is accompanied by an audio file of its pronunciation.


What do you think of Norway’s Midsummer celebrations? Does your country also celebrate Midsummer Day, and if so, are traditions there similar or very different? Let us know in the comments; we always love hearing from you!

To continue learning about Norwegian culture and the language, visit us at! We provide effective, practical learning tools for every learner so that anyone can master Norwegian. Read more insightful blog posts like this one, spruce up your Norwegian vocabulary, and chat with fellow Norwegian learners on our community forums. You can also upgrade to Premium Plus to begin using our MyTeacher program, where you can learn Norwegian with your own personal teacher!

Learning Norwegian is no easy goal to achieve, but your determination and good work will begin reaping rewards before you know it! And will be here with you on each step of your journey to language mastery.


Introducing Our Brand New Dashboard!

Hey Listeners!

Guess what? Your language learning goals just got a little easier!

As you’ve probably realized by now, there have been some major improvements made to your dashboard! These updates have been designed to improve your overall experience with the website and help keep you organized and on-track! Here are a few of the changes:

  • Your progress is now tracked right, smack in the middle of the page to keep you motivated and organized.
  • A new, sleek and easy to navigate design allows you to worry less about where to click and more on learning Norwegian!
  • An enlarged profile picture that gives your dashboard a unique and more personal feel.
  • A new layout for the “Latest News” feed to keep you informed on all of the most recent updates.
  • Bigger buttons to make it easier on the eyes. Locate your all of your lessons and materials faster than ever.

Stay tuned, as more updates are being rolled out later in the month!

Enjoy your new dashboard,

Team NorwegianClass101

P.S. Get Access To Our My Teacher Tool For Extra Help!
As you may have noticed, on the left side of your dashboard is our My Teacher feature. This tool allows you to have 1-on-1 interaction with your very own personal teacher! This is only available to our Premium Plus subscribers, so be sure to upgrade if you want to take your studies to the next level!

Click Here To Sign Up For Premium Plus Now!

The Top 5 Reasons To Learn A New Language… NOW!

Click Here To Learn Norwegian NOW!

Are you currently debating whether or not to learn Norwegian?

You aren’t alone. Learning a new language requires a huge investment of time, and often money as well. That’s why so many people are hesitant to spend the amount of effort required to become fluent in another language. However, learning a new language can be one of the most rewarding experiences in life and there are a number of reasons why you should start studying one… and start studying now!

Click Here And Start Learning Norwegian With A FREE Account!

Start Studying Norwegian Now!

More Opportunities
That’s right. It’s not rocket science. A new language can open up many new doors. You’re able to work in countries other than your own, leading to a world of new opportunities. It can also qualify you for many new jobs in your home country as well! There are tons of employers who look to hire multilingual professionals every year!

Meeting New People
This may be one of the most rewarding parts of learning a new language. You’ll be able to get to know speakers of other languages on a more personal level. Meeting people from around the world is one of the main reasons people begin to study a language, so don’t ever feel like making new friends isn’t a good enough reason to start studying!

Exploring A Different Culture
Whether you decide to live abroad, or you’re just taking a vacation, knowing the local language will give you the ability to better understand the people and culture of a different country. This can open your eyes to not only their country, but your country as well! You can understand how people see your home from their perspective.

Stop Procrastinating And Start Learning! Sign Up For FREE Here!

Start Studying Norwegian Now!

Health Benefits
Good news! Studying a new language actually comes with health benefits! Studying a new language helps keep your brain sharp! By studying every day, you’re helping your mind fight off the old age and stay fresh!

Because It’s Fun
When it comes down to it, learning a new language is just plain fun! There’s always something new to learn and the rewards are endless! Whether your goal is to meet new people or to get a job in a new country, language learning is something that is actually enjoyable!

Start Learning Norwegian For Free By Clicking Here!

There are millions of reasons to learn a new language, so what are you waiting for? Dive in head first and start studying with us! You can sign up for a FREE lifetime account and start achieving your Norwegian language goals today!

Why Not Save $225 & Learn Norwegian 1-on-1 with Effective Lessons?

Why Not Save $225 & Learn Norwegian 1-on-1 with Effective Lessons?

Greetings, Listener!

With Black Friday and Cyber Monday behind you and hopefully most of your shopping for others complete, it’s time to ask yourself one simple question:

Are you ready for Why Not Wednesday? Don’t worry, Why Not Wednesday is all about YOU and answering one simple question:

Why not realize your dream of learning Norwegian – NOW? Money is often listed as a problem that prevents people from learning Norwegian, so today, on Why Not Wednesday, we’re:

Discounting All Premium and Premium PLUS Plans by 41% – Today Only!
Click Here To Lock In Your BIG 41% Savings Before Midnight!
Why Not Save $225 & Learn Norwegian 1-on-1 with Effective Lessons?

Let’s just put those savings into perspective for each plan:

The Premium Plan – Unlimited Access to our Effective Learning System
With your 41% savings, you gain unlimited access to our most popular Premium plan – the complete NorwegianClass101 learning system with 90+ hours of lessons – for just:

  • $5.90/Month
  • $1.36/Week
  • $0.19/Day
  • Max Savings of More than $98

For the price of one cup of coffee a month, you gain unlimited access to the world’s largest library of Norwegian audio and video lessons. Plus, you get loads of time-saving study tools to help you learn faster. Keep reading to find out what you get exactly.

Today Only – Click Here to Save 41% Instantly Off Any Length Premium Plan!

The Premium PLUS Plan – Learn Norwegian 1-on-1 With Your Own Teacher
During our 1-day only special, you instantly get 41% off the rarely promoted Premium PLUS plan – that includes your very own Norwegian teacher – and pay:

  • Just $13.50/Month
  • Just $3.11/Week
  • Only $0.44/Day
  • Max Savings of More than $225!

Why Not Wednesday is the only day this year when you can save on the advanced and rarely discounted Premium PLUS plan!

Click here to get 41% OFF Premium PLUS & learn with your own teacher.

Lack of time is another reason people fail to realize their dream.

But at NorwegianClass101, you start speaking Norwegian from lesson #1. Premium was specifically created to help our students learn faster and master real-life Norwegian. All lessons are created by real Norwegian teachers and Premium members have full access to loads of time-saving tools and resources, including:

  • Exclusive! App for the iPhone, iPad or Android
  • Full Lesson Library Access: 500+ Norwegian Lessons
  • User Favorite! New Audio & Video Lessons EVERY WEEK!
  • PDF Lesson Notes for Each Lesson to Read Along With
  • Instructor Feedback & Comments on Each Lesson
  • Progress Tracking: See Your Norwegian Progress Grow
  • Learning Guidance: We Guide You Through the Lessons
  • Norwegian ONLY Tracks & Line by Line Dialog Breakdown
  • Full Lesson Transcripts, Translations & Review Tracks
  • Lesson Review Quizzes for Extra Practice
  • Smart Flashcards To Master All The Norwegian Words You Need
  • 2,000 Top Norwegian Words List (enough for conversational fluency)
  • Word Bank to Store & Review Your Key Vocab & Phrases
  • Voice Recording Tools to Perfect your Pronunciation
  • 24/7 Access via Any Media Device with Internet Access
  • Season Vocabulary Lists To Review All Vocab From Lessons
  • Exclusive! Custom Lists App to Create Your Own Word Lists

Click here to learn Norwegian for just $5.90/month with Premium!

But to learn Norwegian in the shortest time possible and take full advantage of the world’s fastest, easiest and most effective Norwegian learning system, we strongly recommend you sign up for our rarely discounted and most advanced: Premium PLUS.

In addition to access to everything in Premium, our Premium PLUS members also get:

  • Professional Assessment: Get a personal assessment of your Norwegian. Understand your strengths and weaknesses so you know what to study next.
  • Personalized Learning Program: Your teacher will create a study plan based on your needs and help you speak like a native speaker. Everyone’s experience will be different!
  • 1-on-1 Interaction: Learn with your teacher via Premium PLUS My Teacher. Get help with all your questions, problems and guidance most self-learners never get.
  • Voice Analysis to Perfect Your Speaking: Learn to speak like a native speaker with the help of a real native speaker! Record yourself with Premium PLUS My Teacher and your teacher will give you crucial feedback on what to improve and how.

But Premium PLUS is rarely discounted because we have a limited number of high-quality teachers. So if you’re ready to learn Norwegian NOW in the shortest time possible:

Click here to get 41% OFF Premium PLUS & learn with your own teacher.

Why Not Realize Your Dream Now?
At NorwegianClass101, you are guaranteed to speak Norwegian from your first lesson. Our Premium and Premium PLUS plans are designed to teach your Norwegian in less time – so you can realize your dream even sooner!

You can literally study anytime and anywhere. Every lesson, tool and resource at NorwegianClass101 can be accessed via any PC, tablet, laptop or smartphone with Internet. And with the BIG 41% discount, we’ve made learning Norwegian more affordable than ever!

Last chance: Click here to save on any Premium or Premium PLUS plan.
(At 41% OFF, that’s as low as $5.90/month and up to $225 OFF. Prices go back up after midnight.)

And the cost of your subscription is totally refundable.

Your purchase is backed by a 60-day money-back guarantee. If you’re not speaking Norwegian as fast as you’d like and if you’re not enjoying the results, contact us for a full refund. No hassles. No questions asked. So, why not finally learn Norwegian?

To The “Why Not” Mindset,

Team NorwegianClass101

P.S. We rarely regret the things we have done in life – it’s the things we wanted to do but didn’t that haunt us! So don’t let your dream of learning Norwegian go unfulfilled for even one more day – get a BIG 41% OFF Premium or Premium PLUS! Hurry: Why Not Wednesday ends tonight, December 2nd, 2015. Put your dreams on the fast track and act now!

Click here to learn Norwegian for just $5.90/month and save up to $225!

We’re Giving Thanks: Norwegian Lessons for just $2.80/Month & a FREE Video Lesson!

We're Giving Thanks: Norwegian Lessons for just $2.80/Month & a FREE Video Lesson!

Hi there Listener,

If you ask us what we’re thankful for, it’s people like you. People who choose to learn Norwegian. People who know they will master Norwegian because it’s just a matter of time. These are the ones who truly do learn the language.

How do we know? 10 years of teaching experience and feedback from learners like you. You’ve shaped NorwegianClass101 into a fast, effective and FUN system. Thank you.

So during the Thank You Sale, Get a BIG 30% OFF All Basic and Premium Plans! Master more Norwegian for LESS with real lessons by real teachers – that’s 90+ hours of audio and video lessons. Your dream of truly learning Norwegian is a lot easier and much more affordable. But only ‘til November 25th, 2015.

Click here to get 30% OFF & your free video lesson!
(Discounted prices ONLY available during the Thank You Sale)
Click here to get 30% OFF!

With the Thank You Sale, you master MORE Norwegian for LESS:

  • As Low As $2.80/Month or $0.09/Day with Basic!
  • As Low As $7.00/Month or $0.23/Day with Premium!
  • Up to $72 in Maximum Savings!

ALSO, You’re getting a second BONUS gift. As a special Thank You for helping us reach 500 million lesson downloads and become the largest language learning system…

We’re giving away a free video lesson with every upgrade that’ll help you learn to say “Thank You” – in 31 different languages! Just in time for Thanksgiving.

31 Ways To Say Thank You!

But best of all, you master Norwegian with real lessons by real teachers.
Here’s how – you start speaking minutes into a lesson. Your lessons are designed around practical, everyday conversations that you master easily – from Beginner to Advanced. And our teachers guide you through step-by-step.

So, with 90 hours of audio and video lessons (and counting), you get the biggest lesson library in the world.

And, you can learn anytime, at your pace, via any mobile device with Internet access.

Click Here to Learn Norwegian, get $72 OFF & Your Free Video Lesson!

Here’s exactly what you unlock with NorwegianClass101:

  • Learning Guidance: We help you start learning Norwegian so you don’t have to worry about the details. Select your learning level (Absolute Beginner to Advanced) and follow our lesson recommendations.
  • Access To Our Lesson Library: 500+ Norwegian audio and video lessons, from Absolute Beginner to Advanced.
  • Feedback from Teachers: Have a question about a lesson? Leave a comment and get feedback from our native Norwegian teachers.
  • New Audio & Video Lessons EVERY Week: On top of the current Library, several new Norwegian lessons are published weekly.
  • Lesson Notes For Every Lesson: Get each lesson in writing with Lesson Notes. Read along as you listen or review after a lesson.
  • 24/7 Mobile Access: Access all lessons and notes anywhere on any device.
  • Progress Tracking: Track your progress to see how much you’ve accomplished and know which lessons to study next.

Click here to get unlimited access with Premium for just $7/month.
(Discounted prices ONLY available during the Thank You Sale)

  • Exclusive! App for iPhone, iPad or Android: Learn Norwegian on the go. Use our personalized learning system on your mobile device.
  • Exclusive! Custom Lists App: Create your own Norwegian word lists and take advantage of other users’ lists to master even more vocab.
  • 2,000 Must-Know Words List: All the Norwegian words you need for conversational fluency. Use this with Flashcards and the Word Bank.
  • Smart Flashcards: Learn vocabulary fast and create your own study decks.
  • Your Personal Word Bank: Your personal word list. Save new words that you come across here to review later.
  • Line-By-Line Pronunciation: Hear every line from the lesson conversation again and again with line-by-line breakdown.
  • Voice Recording: Perfect your pronunciation by recording yourself and comparing your Norwegian with native speakers’. Use this with Line-by-Line.
  • Review Quizzes: Review what you’ve learned after every lesson with quizzes.
  • …and more!

Click here to get 30% OFF any 1-, 3-, 6-, 12- or 24-month Premium plan!

We’re grateful for having you learn with us. With 10 years of teaching experience and feedback from dedicated learners like you, we’ve been able to turn NorwegianClass101 into a fast, fun and effective learning system. And 10,000s are realizing their dream of learning Norwegian – now it’s your turn!

Lock in your 30% discount today and learn Norwegian with full NorwegianClass101 access. That’s up to $72 in savings and as low as $1.61 per week. Your subscription is secured by our 60-day money-back guarantee! And remember, you’re getting a second BONUS gift as our way of saying thank you.

Click here to learn Norwegian, get $72 in savings and a FREE video lesson!

Joining is risk-free, because you get our rock-solid 60-day money-back guarantee. That’s 2 FULL months to fully experience NorwegianClass101. If you’re not making progress as fast as you’d like, simply contact us for a full refund! No questions asked.

Ready? Here’s how you sign up and claim this discount:

  1. Click on any link to be taken to the coupon page.
  2. Choose Basic or Premium. You’ll be taken to the next page.
  3. Enter your payment information and choose the length of the subscription.
  4. Finally, click on “Complete” at the bottom of the page.
  5. You’ll receive an instant confirmation email.
  6. Start learning Norwegian with over 90 hours of Norwegian lessons!

Click here to claim your 30% discount on all plans & a free video lesson now!

To your fluency!

Team NorwegianClass101

P.S. Take the final step to realizing your dream of learning Norwegian during our Thank You Sale and lock in your 30% instant savings – you can keep the free video lesson even if you decide to cancel and get a refund later. You have absolutely nothing to lose, so act now!

Click here to get unlimited access for just $7/month or 0.23/day!

New App Update! Norwegian Video Lessons for Android & More Lesson Control!

Hello Listener,

Last time, you got the new, free, weekly Norwegian lessons on the go. This time, there are 2 more updates for the Innovative Language 101 App:

Click here to download Innovative Language 101 for free!

  1. NorwegianClass101 Video Lessons Now On The Android Version
  2. Powerful Lesson Player Controls On the iPhone/iPad Version

What does this mean for you?

It means: more Norwegian lessons to learn with and more control over them!

Click here to download Innovative Language 101 for free!
(If you own the App, upgrade to the latest version.)

1. Video Lessons now on the Android App!

Click here to download Innovative Language for free!

Are you a visual learner and love learning with video? Norwegian Video lessons make up a major portion of the NorwegianClass101 learning system. They weren’t on the Android version before, but they are now.

Learn with video on the go by tapping on “Browse Lessons” and selecting any video series. (Note: This is already available for iOS.)

2. Powerful Lesson Controls for the iPhone & iPad!

Click here to download Innovative Language 101 for free!

Want to completely understand the Norwegian that you hear? Or review conversations until they’re stuck in your head? Take control of any Audio Lesson with new playback controls. With new Playback Controls, you can…

  • Review again and again by putting a track on repeat
  • Slow down or speed up by setting the playback speed (0.5x, 1x, 1.5x or 2x)
  • Skip back and forth between tracks within a lesson
  • Backtrack or get ahead by jumping 10 seconds back or forward

New updates! Click here to download Innovative Language 101 for free!
(If you own the App, upgrade to the latest version.)

If you run into any bugs or issues with this new update, feel free to send us a quick email at

To new free Norwegian lessons for life,

Team NorwegianClass101

P.S. Take the 6-Month Challenge! Learn Norwegian in 6 Months for $66!
Get a BIG 45% OFF and master practical Norwegian with 6-Month Premium. Unlock ALL NorwegianClass101 lessons (new lessons published weekly), PDF lesson notes, Premium tools, Mobile App access, PLUS the exclusive Inner Circle Newsletter! Get 6 months for only $66. Ends Friday, 06/26/2015.

Click here to get 45% OFF 6-month Premium + Inner Circle Access!

Click here to get 45% OFF 6-month Premium + Inner Circle Access!

New App Update! Get The Newest Norwegian Lessons For Free No Matter Where You Are

New update! Click here to download Innovative Language 101 for free!

Hello Listener,

Did you know that every new NorwegianClass101 lesson is yours free?

Fact: All new lessons are open to everyone for 3 weeks after the publish date. This is one of the major benefits of the Free Lifetime Account. Just sit back and learn. High-quality Norwegian audio and video lessons come out every week.

But here’s what’s new…
You now get the newest lessons on your mobile device, anywhere, anytime!

New update! Click here to download Innovative Language 101 for free!

New update! Click here to download Innovative Language 101 for free!

Users requested this. We listened. Innovative Language 101 for the iPhone, iPad and Androidthe App that gives you your lessons on the go – has an awesome new update: Newest Lessons.

If you’re learning Norwegian and want to get all new lessons all the time, you absolutely can’t miss out on this. With this update, you get:

  • Access to lessons from the past 3 weeks
  • Access to every single new lesson that comes out
  • …and you can download them to your device for extra study!

When you log in to the App, simply tap on the “Newest Lessons” icon for all the latest and greatest lessons. Every time a lesson is published, you will find it here. High-quality Norwegian audio and video lessons come out every week.

New update! Click here to download Innovative Language 101 for free!

Remember: Every new NorwegianClass101 lesson is yours free. This a major benefit of the Free Lifetime Account. New lessons are open to everyone for 3 weeks after the publish date. High-quality Norwegian audio and video lessons come out every week.

If you run into any bugs or issues with this new update, feel free to send us a quick email at

To new free Norwegian lessons for life,

Team NorwegianClass101

P.S. Want to unlock the entire NorwegianClass101 learning system? That’s 80+ hours of lessons from Beginner to Advanced – that you can take on the go – exclusive Apps, Progress Tracking, Premium Study Tools, Feedback from Teachers and much more! Simply upgrade to Basic, Premium or Premium PLUS for more access.

Click here to upgrade to Basic, Premium or Premium PLUS!

December Newsletter: Year in Review & 3 Norwegian New Year’s Gifts Inside

Click Here To Get Your Gifts!

Hello Listener,

The year’s about to come to a close. While you were improving your Norwegian, we were busy churning out great new updates, features and lessons. 2014 was a fantastic time to learn language with us.

Here are a few reasons why:

  • 3,343+ New Lessons spanning over 31 languages published this year.
  • 300 Million Lesson Downloads across all sites, since our start in 2005.
  • 2 New Language Learning Sites: CzechClass & DanishClass101. That’s a total of 31 languages you can learn with Innovative Language.
  • Innovative Language 101 App launched for the Android, iPhone, iPad & Kindle Fire so you can learn Norwegian on the go.
  • New Features: Vocab Lists, Season Vocabulary & Premium PLUS My Teacher tool for 1-on-1 Norwegian learning at NorwegianClass101.

As our final thank you to you, dear listener, we’ve included 3 gifts inside this December Newsletter: a New Year’s video lesson, a Top 10 New Year’s Resolutions in Norwegian phrase list and the Newly upgraded Core Word Lists.

Click here to get your 3 New Year’s Gifts from NorwegianClass101!

Click Here To Get Your Gifts!

Thank you for learning Norwegian the fast, fun and easy way in 2014. Starting in January 2015, we have EVEN MORE free lessons, gifts, giveaways and new features for you.

From all of us at NorwegianClass101 and Innovative Language Learning – including our lesson writers, hosts, teachers, editors, customer care representatives and technical staff – we wish you and your family a safe, happy and healthy New Year!

Thanks for reading,

Peter Galante, Founder, and the Innovative Language Team

P.S. New lessons begin on Monday, January 5th, 2015!

Happy New Year! Click here to get your New Year’s Gifts from NorwegianClass101!

We’re Giving Thanks with Norwegian Lessons for as Low as $0.09/Day & a FREE Video Lesson!

Get 30% OFF Premium!!

Hello Listener,

It’s that time of year again when we give thanks for all that we are grateful for. And at NorwegianClass101, we have a lot to be thankful for this year, including:

  • Reaching 300 Million Lesson Downloads Thanks to Your Help!
  • Helping Thousands of Students Master Norwegian This Year
  • Helping Tens of Thousands of Others Begin their Norwegian Learning Journey

Most importantly, we are thankful for YOU!

So today, we’re thanking you with 2 gifts. A free video lesson, “31 Ways To Say Thank You” And we’re giving you a BIG 30% OFF ALL Basic or Premium plans to help you learn Norwegian this year with our best Norwegian lessons and advanced learning system.

With these savings, you can achieve your dream of mastering Norwegian for less than what most people spend on big textbooks or classes. And you get a ton more lessons, study tools and apps for…

  • As Low as $2.80/month or $0.09/Day with Basic
  • As Low as $7/Month or $0.23/Day with Premium
  • …and You Save Up to $72 in Maximum Savings!

Click here to Get 30% Off Basic or Premium and Your Free Gift!

Click here to get 30% OFF Basic and Premium!

That’s instant access to lessons that get you speaking Norwegian in minutes. How? Our instructors teach you how to speak and respond in Norwegian in every lesson. It’s that simple. And you get over 60 Hours of Audio and Video Lessons with Basic or Premium.

With Premium, you unlock unlimited NorwegianClass101 Access – All Lessons, Lesson Notes, Study Tools, Smart Flashcards, Apps and More – and dramatically reduce your learning time. Premium includes all of these advanced tools for as low as $0.23 a day:

  • Learning Guidance: We help you start learning Norwegian so you don’t have to worry about the details. Select your learning level (Absolute Beginner to Advanced) and follow our lesson recommendations.
  • Access To Our Lesson Library: 360+ Norwegian Audio and Video lessons from Absolute Beginner to Advanced.
  • Feedback from Norwegian Instructors: Have a question about a lesson? Leave a comment and get feedback from our native Norwegian teachers.
  • Get All the Newest Lessons: On top of the current Library, several new Norwegian lessons are published weekly.
  • PDF Lesson Notes For Every Lesson:Get each lesson in writing with PDF Notes. Read along as you listen with detailed explanations, or review after a lesson.
  • Mobile Access for iPhone & Android Users: Access all lessons and notes anywhere.
  • Progress Tracking: Track your progress to see how much you’ve accomplished and know which lessons to study next.

Click here to unlock unlimited Premium access for just $7/month or $0.23/day!

  • New App! Exclusive iPhone, iPad or Android Access: Learn Norwegian on the go. Use our personalized learning system on your mobile device.
  • Custom Lists Web App: Create your own Norwegian word lists and take advantage of other users’ lists to master even more vocab.
  • Season Vocabulary: Get all the vocab instantly from any lesson series for quick review. Use with Flashcards or Word Bank.
  • 2,000 Must-Know Words List: All the Norwegian words you need for conversational fluency. Use this with Flashcards and the Word Bank.
  • Smart Flashcards:Learn vocabulary fast and create your own study decks.
  • Your Personal Word Bank: Your personal word list. Save new words that you come across here to review later.
  • Line-By-Line Pronunciation: Hear every line from the lesson conversation again and again with line-by-line breakdown.
  • Voice Recording: Perfect your pronunciation by recording yourself and comparing your Norwegian with native speakers’. Use this with Line-by-Line.
  • 1-Click Lesson Downloads: Download any series with the Premium iTunes Feed.
  • Review Quizzes: Review what you’ve learned after every lesson with quizzes.

Click here to get your Free Video Lesson & 30% OFF! Save up to $72 with Premium!

Over 2,090 audio and video lessons, instructor comments and lesson notes, and the tools and resources you need to learn and master Norwegian – all for just $7.00 a month or $0.23 cents/day with Premium!

Are you ready to realize your dream of learning Norwegian?Then sign up now during our Thank You promotion and there really is no way you can lose!

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Click here to get your FREE gift, learn Norwegian and save up to $72!

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Happy Thanksgiving,
Team NorwegianClass101

P.S. Please enjoy your Thanksgiving Dinner but be sure to claim your free gift and instant 30% savings on any Basic or Premium plan.

Click here to get your Thanksgiving gifts – “31 Ways to Say Thank You” + 30% OFF at NorwegianClass101!

For Halloween: Your Spooky Norwegian Words, Monster-Sized 28% OFF & Free Features

Get A Monster-Sized 28% OFF!

Hello Listener,

Are you looking for some Norwegian learning treats this Halloween? Well, we’ve got some for you right here in this newsletter, including scary Norwegian words you’ll need for Halloween, a Monster-Sized Discount on our complete Norwegian learning system and a Free Feature that you might not have known about! Keep reading to get your spooky treats and updates of the month!

In this month’s newsletter:

  1. Ends Friday! Get 28% OFF Basic or Premium at NorwegianClass101!
  2. Learn the Scariest, Must-Know Norwegian Words for Halloween!
  3. Free Feature! Want to Speak More Norwegian? Learn the Top 100 Words

1. Ends Friday! Learn Norwegian with a Monster-Sized 28% OFF!
Ready to learn Norwegian with this MONSTER-Sized Deal? Then take advantage and get 28% OFF Basic or Premium. You get full access to our Best Lessons – 60+ hours of Norwegian Audio and Video Lessons – exclusive App Access, Lesson Notes, Study Tools and more. As low as $2.88/month to learn Norwegian. But hurry! This Halloween Sale ends 10/31/2014.

Days Left! Click here to get 28% OFF any Basic or Premium plan!

2. What are the Scariest, Must-Know Norwegian Words for Halloween?
Boo! How would you say that in Norwegian? Or any other Halloween word? Well, here’s your Halloween treat. Learn the Top Halloween Norwegian Words with this free list. Simply click below, listen to the audio pronunciation and repeat out loud! Or, use the Autoplay button to view the words in a slideshow. This is our gift to you for being part of NorwegianClass101.

Click here to get the Free Norwegian Halloween Word List!

3. Free Feature Alert: Learn The Top 100 Norwegian Words
As a Norwegian beginner, this is your master list of the words you need to know. Live it. Love it. Breathe it. Access the list, and review each word with translations, pronunciations, relevant pictures and sample sentences. Master these first 100 words and know what’ll happen next? You’ll realize you can learn the next hundred too and understand even more Norwegian!

Click here to access the Top 100 Norwegian Words!

P.S. Ready to learn Norwegian? Hurry! This Monster-Sized 28% OFF ends Friday.
Get any Basic or Premium Plan (1-, 3-, 6-, 12- or 24-month) at 28% OFF! You get full access to ALL Norwegian Audio and Video Lessons, App Access, Lesson Notes, Premium Study Tools and more. That’s as low as $2.88/month to learn Norwegian, including a 60-day 100% money-back guarantee. Take advantage by midnight (EST), October 31st, 2014!

Ends Friday! Click here to learn Norwegian for as low as $2.88/month!
Get a Monster-Sized 28% OFF!