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Lesson Transcript

Hi everyone, this is Anette from norwegianclass101.com, today, we are looking at Top 10 Phrases Your Parents Always Say. So let’s get started.
1. Vær forsiktig. "Be careful."
This is something you’ve probably heard from your parents quite a lot.
2. Vær stille. "Be quiet."
Yeah, so this is probably a phrase that not only your parents but also your teacher would say if you are making chitchats during class. Are you paying attention?
3. Oppfør deg. "Behave."
Well, yeah it’s important to behave. This is probably a phrase you wouldn’t hear too often because it’s a bit strict but if you are dealing with really annoying kids, then, this is probably what you would say to them to make them behave.
4. Gjør leksene dine! "Do your homework!"
I was usually a good child. So my parents didn’t have to say this to me too often but you know kids, it’s, uh it’s not that fun to do homework. So you might want to use this phrase from time to time.
5. Gå til sengs. "Go to bed."
And we all know that it’s more fun to stay up with the adults and have fun than to go to bed. So yeah, this is something I heard more than once in my childhood.
6. Jeg kommer til å telle til tre. "I'm going to count to three."
Well, you know you’ve probably done something not too good if your parents use this phrase with you. So be careful.
7. Stopp. "Stop."
So, me and my brother would sometimes get into fights and I would have to tell him to - Stopp å lugge, which means, “stop pulling my hair.”
8. Hva sa du? "What did you say?"
Well, this is a very versatile phrase. I mean, you can use it every time somebody said something and you couldn’t hear it properly. It’s like, hva sa du? But then again, a lot of Norwegians just say hah?
9. Jeg tuller ikke. "I'm not kidding."
Tuller du? “Are you kidding?”
Jeg tuller ikke. "I'm not kidding."
10. Slå av TV-en nå. "Turn the TV off now."
Slå av TV-en nå. "Turn off the TV now."
Well, I am sure this is a phrase all of us have heard some point in life. It’s so tempting just to sit in and watch Netflix or whatever. Yeah, it’s not always too tempting to turn the TV off and go out.

