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Hi everybody. This is Anette from norwegianclass101.com. Today, we are looking at Top 10 Ways to Prepare Your Travel. So without further ado, let’s get started.
1. Velg reisemålet ditt "to choose your destination"
Vennligst velg reisemålet ditt. "Please choose your destination."
Well, choosing a good destination is certainly step number one of your travel.
2. Kjøpe en guidebok "to buy a guidebook"
Jeg skal kjøpe en guidebok. "I'll buy a guidebook."
Nowadays, you can find a lot of information just by searching the internet as well. So traveling is getting more and more easy.
3. Spare penger "to save money"
Jeg sparer penger til neste ferie. "I'm saving money for the next holiday."
Well, as you probably already know, traveling is slightly expensive in Norway. So make sure you’ve earned and saved up a lot of money before you go there and you will find that you can travel around easier.
4. Få visum "to get a visa"
Hvordan får man visum? "How do you get a visa?"
So I guess the rules and practices for getting a visa to Norway depends on your country of origin. If you are lucky, you might be able to go to Norway without a visa. If you are a part of the Schengen, for instance, then you can pretty much go to Norway without having to worry about the visa at all.
5. Bestille flybillett "to book a flight"
Kan du bestille flybilletter? "Can you book flights?"
The good thing about traveling to Norway by plane is that it’s getting cheaper and cheaper, thanks to a lot of low cost carriers. So at least you can get to Norway for cheap even though you can’t really travel inside of Norway for that cheap.
6. Undersøke kostnadene "to research the costs"
Jeg skal undersøke kostnadene først. "I'll research the cost first."
Yeah, it might be a good idea to do some research about the costs before going to Norway or you might get yourself a shock.
7. Bestille overnatting "to book accommodations"
Skal vi bestille overnatting sammen? "Shall we book accomodations together?"
If you are going to Norway and you want to experience something spectacular when it comes to accommodation, you might want to visit the north of Norway where you can try to sleep in a snow hotel for instance. Yeah, there are many interesting alternatives out there.
8. Få et internasjonalt førerkort "to obtain an international driving license"
Du må søke om et internasjonalt førerkort før du drar. "You have to obtain an international driving license before you leave."
Well, it will definitely be easier to get around in Norway if you have an international driving license but there are trains and buses available as well for the major tourist destinations. So don’t despair if you cannot get one.
9. Pakke "to pack"
Jeg er ferdigpakket. "I've finished packing."
Since Norway is located in the north, you might want to bring some warm clothes just in case even during the summer but on the other hand, you might get surprised that it’s quite hot in Norway during the summer as well. So you might not need it but then on the other hand, if you are unlucky with the weather, you’ll definitely regret not having brought warm clothes.
10. Kjøpe reiseforsikring "to buy travel insurance"
Det er viktig å kjøpe reiseforsikring. "It's important to buy travel insurance."
Well, yeah, I actually experienced getting into an accident surfing in Bali many years ago. And if I didn’t have travel insurance back then, it would have cost me a fortune. So whatever you do, please don’t forget to buy your travel insurance.
Okay, everybody, that’s all for now. Thank you so much for watching. We’ve been looking at Top 10 Ways to Prepare Your Travel. I will see you again next week, ha det bra, vi ses senere.

