Lesson Transcript

Okay, now it's your turn.
Do you remember what the joke was? “Why did the computer go to the doctor? Because it had a virus.”
Hvorfor gikk datamaskinen til legen? Fordi det hadde et virus.
Imagine you think it was awesome. Do you remember how to say "awesome?"
fantastisk, fantastisk
Say “You're so awesome.”
Du er så fantastisk.
Now react to the joke saying the other person is awesome.
Hvorfor gikk datamaskinen til legen? Fordi det hadde et virus.
Du er så fantastisk.
Now imagine you think it was boring. Do you remember how to say "boring?"
kjedelig, kjedelig
Say “You're so boring.”
Du er så kjedelig.
Now react to the joke saying the other person is boring.
Hvorfor gikk datamaskinen til legen? Fordi det hadde et virus.
Du er så kjedelig.
Now imagine you think it was strange. Do you remember how to say "strange?"
rar, rar
Say “You're so strange.”
Du er så rar.
Now react to the joke saying the other person is strange.
Hvorfor gikk datamaskinen til legen? Fordi det hadde et virus.
Du er så rar.
In this lesson, you learned new vocabulary and phrases you can use in your everyday life to compliment or criticize anyone on their sense of humor.
You are now able to comment on a joke like a native speaker!
See you in the next lesson!

