
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Filip: Hello! Hi everyone, I am Filip.
Becky: And I’m Becky. Welcome back to NorwegianClass101.com. This is Lower Beginner, Season 1, Lesson 13 - Why Not Stop for a Norwegian Snack? In this lesson, we’ll continue to look at negatives.
Filip: We’ll continue studying ‘ikke’ in this lesson, but this time with the verbs ‘å ville’ and ‘å kunne’.
Becky: These mean “to want” and “to be able to”, respectively. You should already be familiar with these verbs from our earlier lessons.
Filip: Right. In this conversation, we’ll see Espen and Kjersti continue their small argument from last time. Espen seems quite hungry and suggests they stop by a roadhouse.
Becky: Okay, let’s listen to the conversation.
Filip: You know, roadhouses are quite a common sight when you’re traveling around the countryside in Norway.
Becky: Yeah, I saw quite a few of them when I was traveling around Western Norway.
Filip: There are a lot of them in Western Norway. But in other places, there aren’t so many.
Becky: One thing I noticed with the roadhouses was their unique design. I expected them to look a bit more like any other restaurant or rest stop outside Oslo, but most of them were nice traditional buildings.
Filip: Yeah, the rest stops and roadhouses you find close to bigger cities might look like any modern building. But the ones in the countryside can be quite inviting.
Becky: And they usually serve local dishes and more traditional Norwegian cuisine. Some of them also have accommodation where you can stay if you’re tired from traveling.
Filip: If you, our listeners, find yourself traveling the countryside of Norway, make sure you stop by one of these roadhouses for a unique way to experience of Norwegian culture.
Becky: Ok, now let’s move on to our vocabulary.
Becky: Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Filip: Alright, first up is ‘Ved’. This means “by” and is commonly found in the phrase ‘ved siden av.’
Becky: Which means “beside” in English. This phrase and word alone can create sentences like....
Filip: Huset ligger ved elven
Becky: “The house lies by the river”
Filip: Huset ligger ved siden av elven
Becky: “The house lies beside the river”. You might notice the small difference here between using “by” and “beside”.
Filip: Right, but in our vocab we had another word that also translates to “by” in English. It was ‘Innom’.
Becky: But this word is used in different scenarios than the first word we introduced. Think of it more as “being inside somewhere for a short while”. It might be slightly hard to grasp at first...
Filip: But if you’re using ‘innom’ as part of a sentence, it usually means that “something/someone dropped by inside somewhere”. It can’t be used in sentences the same way as ‘ved’. For example, it isn’t possible to say ‘Huset ligger innom elven.’
Becky: Right, that doesn’t make sense in either Norwegian or English. Instead, let’s give you some examples of what scenarios it’s usually found in.
Filip: Ok, for example, ‘Jeg var innom butikken i stad.’
Becky: “I was at the shop earlier”
Filip: Hun kom innom på besøk
Becky: “She came by for a short visit”
Filip: De kjørte innom McDonald’s
Becky: “They drove by McDonald’s”. Ok, now let’s move on to the grammar.

Lesson focus

Filip: In this lesson, we’ll continue to look at the negative ‘ikke’. We’ll combine it with the verbs ‘å ville’ and ‘å kunne’.
Becky: “To want” and “to be able to” respectively. In English, we’d create the combinations “will not” and “cannot”.
Filip: As we saw in our previous lessons, ‘ikke’ always comes after the verb. Well, almost always. We’ll look at one exception in this lesson.
Becky: Let’s first look at how this is treated in the dialogue. Let’s start by breaking down the first line.
Filip: Nei, jeg vil ikke stoppe akkurat nå.
Becky: This translates as “No, I don’t want to stop right now.”
Filip: First of all, ‘Nei’ means “no”. It’s followed by the phrase ‘Jeg vil ikke’, which means “I don’t want”. Which is followed by ‘stoppe akkurat nå’ meaning “stop right now”. ‘stoppe’ is a verb and ‘akkurat nå’ is a modifier.
Becky: Let’s break this sentence down a little more.
Filip: Ok. It starts with ‘jeg’, which means “I”, and it’s followed by ‘vil’ meaning “will” or “want”. After that comes the negative ‘ikke’, meaning “not”. Then we have the verb ‘stoppe’ - “stop”. Then the adverb ‘akkurat’, meaning “right”. And finally comes nå, which means “now”. Altogether, Jeg vil ikke stoppe akkurat nå.
Becky: Literally, “I don’t want to or will not stop right now”. This is by far the easiest and most straightforward way of using the negative “not”. As you might have noticed, it’s an SVO sentence. And an easy way to remember where to put the negative, is that it goes between the Verb and the Object.
Filip: The next line is ‘Kan vi ikke stoppe innom?’
Becky: “Can’t we stop by?”
Filip: This is a bit more complex, as it is a yes/no question. We start with ‘kan’ “can”, followed by ‘vi’ “we”. After this comes the negative ‘ikke’, meaning “not”. This is finished by ‘stoppe innom’ “to stop by”.
Becky: Luckily, this sentence translates almost word for word into English, so knowing the words alone would help you a long way, even if you don’t know the sentence structure. The difference with the first line is that this time, we’re looking at a VSO sentence.
Filip: And as you might remember, VSO means that it’s usually a question. Now, the rule for placing the negative has changed, and it goes between the Subject and the Object.
Becky: As a rule, the negative is usually the third word into the sentence. Let’s look at some more examples of this.
Filip: Vil du ikke spise?
Becky: “Don’t you want to eat?”
Filip: Jeg kan ikke hjelpe til
Becky: “I can’t help”
Filip: Jeg vil ikke spise!
Becky: “I don’t want to eat!”


Filip: Alright listeners, that brings us to the end of this lesson.
Becky: We hope you enjoyed the lesson. Negatives are always fun!
Filip: That’s good, because in our next lesson, we’ll also be talking about negatives.
Becky: But until then, please make sure to read the lesson notes.
Filip: Takk for at dere hørte på, hade!
Becky: See you next time!

