
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Filip: Hi everyone, I am Filip.
Becky: And I’m Becky. Welcome back to NorwegianClass101.com. This is Lower Beginner, Season 1, Lesson 8 - Taking a Shopping Trip in Norway.
Filip: In this lesson you’ll learn about numbers and how to use the verb ‘Å ta’, as well as how to go shopping in Norway.
Becky: Prices might be a bit high, but if you visit Norway, you’re bound to go shopping at some point.
Filip: In the conversation, Kjersti and Espen have decided which curtains they want, and are talking to the clerk.
Becky: We learned a lot about numbers in our Absolute Beginner Series, but this time we’ll take a slightly different approach to them. Ok, let’s listen to the conversation.
Becky: When I was there, I noticed that staff don’t approach you in Norway. They are more like absent shadows popping up if you ask for help.
Filip: Yes, in most cases the service level in Norway is quite low. If you need help or want to ask something, you have to start the conversation yourself.
Becky: I guess Norwegians like to shop in peace.
Filip: Indeed, I hate having someone hanging over my shoulder while shopping!
Becky: I can see that. Anyway if you want to talk to the shop assistant, there are a few phrases or words you can use, right?
Filip: Of course. By far, the most common one is saying ‘Unnskyld.’ This will usually get their attention immediately.
Becky: But if you’re too shy to strike up a conversation, what do you do?
Filip: You could always wait until they ask you ‘Trenger du noe hjelp så si ifra.’
Becky: “If you need any help just let me know”
Filip: Or ‘leter du etter noe?’
Becky: Are you looking for something?” Yeah I noticed I was asked this question a lot in Apparel shops.
Filip: Right. Another place where the service is hit or miss is restaurants. Sometimes you can end up standing in the doorway, with nobody showing you to your seat or coming up to you.
Becky: Right, I have experienced that. You have to take the initiative!
Filip: Correct. Just say ‘Unnskyld, et bord for’ plus the number of people in your party, and that should get you a table.
Becky: Great, and that’s why we’re learning about numbers in this lesson! Now let’s look at our vocabulary.
Becky: Let's have a closer look at the usuage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Filip: I bet some of you recognise one of the phrases we had in the dialogue.
Becky: Yeah, but first let’s start with the words.
Filip: Right, ‘Bort’. This word is slightly tricky. In the sentence ‘å ta noe bort’...
Becky: “To take something away”, ‘bort’ means “away”. Now here it is in another sentence, like the one in our dialogue.
Filip: Jeg tar de med bort til kassen.
Becky: “I’ll bring them over to the register”.
Filip: Here, ‘bort’ takes on the form of “over”
Becky This is more a case of English being slightly unusual in how many adverbs it has for different situations.
Filip: Right. ‘Alt’ is also a bit special. It can either mean “everything” or “all” depending on which sentence it’s in. In our dialogue we had the phrase ‘Alt i alt’.
Becky: And we translated it as “All in all”. And while this isn’t wrong, it certainly sounds weird in this context in English. We’d rather say “summing up” or “the total is”.
Filip: Next we have two phrases. First ‘Skal vi se’ is easy.’
Becky: Yes, this means “shall we see” or more commonly “Let’s see”. It’s commonly used by Norwegians, when they are going to attempt to do something that needs a bit of concentration.
Filip: Finally we have the one that might be familiar to you. ‘Kan jeg hjelpe dere?’ It sounded almost exactly like a phrase you heard earlier in this series.
Becky: That’s right. It was...
Filip: ‘Trenger du noe hjelp?’ Remember that one, listeners? Now, ‘Kan jeg hjelpe dere’ is just a variation on this phrase. It directly translates as “Can I help you (guys)?”
Becky: Great now let’s move on to the grammar.

Lesson focus

Filip: In this lesson, you’ll learn about numbers and the verb ‘Å ta’.
Becky: Right, but first let’s zoom through our numbers. Listeners, listen carefully and remember the numbers. And remember to have a listen to the numbers lesson in our Absolute Beginner Series if you need to. Alright, from one to twenty first. Listeners try to count together with Filip. He’ll take it slowly.
Filip: Let’s begin. ‘En’, ‘to’, ‘tre’, ‘fire’, ‘fem’, ‘seks’, ‘syv’, ‘åtte’, ‘ni’, ‘ti’.
Filip: ‘elleve’, ‘tolv’, ‘tretten’, ‘fjorten’, ‘femten’, ‘seksten’, ‘søtten’, ‘atten’, ‘nitten’, ‘tjue’.
Becky: Great, and now for the tens.
Filip: ‘Ti’, ‘tjue’, ‘tretti’, ‘førti’, ‘femti’, ‘seksti’, ‘søtti’, ‘åtti’, ‘nitti’, ‘hundre’.
Becky: Nice, now from 100 to one thousand.
Filip: ‘Ett hundre’, ‘to hundre’, ‘tre hundre’, ‘fire hundre’, ‘fem hundre’, ‘seks hundre’, ‘syv hundre’, ‘åtte hundre’, ‘ni hundre’, ‘tusen’.
Becky: great, now let’s put together some complex numbers in the thousands.
Filip: The structure is easy, exactly like English. ‘tusen’, ‘hundre’, ‘og titall’, ‘entall’.
Becky: In English; “Thousands”, “hundreds”, “and tens”, “ones”.
Filip: Remember the ‘og’, which means “and”, since this is very important to the structure. If you forget to add it between the hundreds and tens, the number will end up sounding really weird.
Becky: Indeed. Let’s try some numbers. Filip, say a number then let the listeners guess before I come in with the answer.
Filip: Alright , 4799
Becky: (pause) 4799
Filip: 2540
Becky: (pause) 2540
Filip: 7050
Becky: (pause) 7050
Filip: Noticed the ‘og’ was suddenly placed between the thousand and the ten, because there were no hundreds in that last number. Don’t forget to leave it in still. It will always go in front of the tens, and if tens don’t exist, then the ones.
Becky: Alright. Now if you’re in a shop where you have to talk to the staff to order what you want, there are two phrases that can come quite in handy.
Filip: ‘Jeg tar’ or ‘jeg har lyst på’.
Becky: “I’ll take” and “I want”, respectively. It’s always nice to add a ‘takk’ at the end of an order starting with either of these two phrases. It’s just polite.
Filip: Now, we realise there might not be that many places where you’ll ask the staff like that. Using the phrase ‘jeg tar’ when you want to ask if they have something is somewhat illogical. Instead you’ll want to use ‘Jeg har lyst på.’
Becky: Which means “I want”. Let’s say you found what you want, but you can’t find the register or there is none, like at the market.
Filip: You just wave at the clerk with the thing you want, and say ‘Jeg tar denne.’
Becky: Finally, when you’re ready to pay, you can also use this phrase.
Filip: That’s right. ‘jeg tar det på kort’, “I’ll pay by card” or ‘jeg tar det i cash’, “I’ll pay by cash” are two ways of saying what payment option you’re choosing.
Becky: Now let’s look at some other uses of this.
Filip: Jeg tar en øl!
Becky: I’ll take a beer.
Filip: Vi tar en hvil, vi. Here’s a tip - this is conjugated for ‘we’
Becky: We’ll take a rest.


Becky: Ok, well that’s all for this lesson. Make sure to check the lesson notes if you’re not sure of something, and we’ll see you next time!
Filip: Sees neste gang!

