Lesson Transcript

Hi, everybody!
Do you know how to say “Bye” in Norwegian? In this lesson, you'll learn three parting expressions in Norwegian.
Let’s start with the easiest one.
Ha det bra
[slowly] Ha det bra
This means "Goodbye" in Norwegian. Note that this is a polite expression.
When talking with someone you are not close with, you can use this expression to say goodbye. The first part, Ha det, means something close to "have it." The second part, bra, means "good."
If you want to sound more casual, there's a different phrase you should use.
[slowly] Sees.
This means "Goodbye" in Norwegian.
Sees is a less polite way to say goodbye, but you won't get into trouble if you use it, especially in casual situations.
If you want to say "bye" at night, here's a phrase for you.
God natt
[slowly] God natt
This means "Good night" in Norwegian.
At night, when saying goodbye, simply say God natt when you are parting.
Let's wrap up this lesson by recapping what you've learned. Listen to the words and repeat after me.
Polite way to say "Goodbye."
Ha det bra
* beep
Ha det bra
Casual way to say "Goodbye."
* beep
"Good night."
God natt
* beep
God natt
Well done! [pause] Here's a fun fact!
in Norwegian, instead of saying "bye," you can say snakkes, which means "talk to you later." This phrase is often used between friends, instead of saying hade or sees.
You just learned how to say “Bye” in three different ways in Norwegian.
And don't forget, you can learn Norwegian twice as fast with your Free PDF lessons. Just click on the link in the description to download them!
See you soon! Sees!

