Vocabulary (Review)

hallo hello
hyggelig pleasant (Nice to meet you)
hei hi
heter to be called
Hyggelig å møte deg. Nice to meet you.
jeg I

Lesson Notes


Lesson Focus

The focus of this lesson is Self Introduction in Norwegian

Topic 1: How to introduce yourself


Sentence from the lesson:
Hei, jeg heter Nora. Hyggelig å møte deg.
"I'm Nora. Nice to meet you."


  1. Start by saying Hei, jeg heter... then, say your name.
    Finally, say Hyggelig å møte deg.
    For example:
    Hei, jeg heter Nora. Hyggelig å møte deg.

Topic 2: Another way to introduce yourself

Sentence from the lesson:
Hallo, jeg heter Nora. Hyggelig.
"Hello, My name is Nora. Nice to meet you."

  1. Hei has been substituted with an alternative greeting Hallo, Norwegian for "Hello."
  2. In a formal setting you would say your full name, but it is better to just use your first name when being introduced to new friends.
  3. Hyggelig å møte deg has been shortened down to just Hyggelig. When meeting someone in a formal context, for instance in a job context hyggelig å møte deg would be the most appropriate greeting. When being introduced to new friends, hyggelig will do.


Language Tip!

When you introduce yourself, it's a good habit to shake hands in Norway and, while hyggelig å møte deg is slightly more formal than just hyggelig, you don't need to worry too much about which you choose to use. If you use one of these sentences with Norwegian people, they're definitely going to be impressed!

Lesson Transcript

Welcome to NorwegianClass101.com’s “Norsk på tre minutter”. The fastest, easiest, and most fun way to learn Norwegian.
Hei, jeg heter Nora. Hyggelig å møte dere. “Hi, I'm Nora. Nice to meet you.”
In this series, we’re going to learn basic Norwegian expressions. It’s super easy and it only takes three minutes!
In this lesson, you’re going to learn how to introduce yourself in Norwegian. There are only two sentences you need to do it.
Let’s see how Norwegian people introduce themselves.
Hei, jeg heter Nora. Hyggelig å møte deg. “Hi, I’m Nora. Nice to meet you.”
[slowly] Hei, jeg heter Nora. Hyggelig å møte deg.
Start by saying Hei, jeg heter... then, say your name. Hei, jeg heter Nora. Finally, say Hyggelig å møte deg.
Hei, jeg heter Nora. Hyggelig å møte deg.
And now let’s see the same sentence in a different format.
Hallo, jeg heter Nora. Hyggelig. “Hello, My name is Nora. Nice to meet you.”
[slowly] Hallo, jeg heter Nora. Hyggelig.
So, what has changed from the previous introduction?
Let’s take a look at close look at these together.
Hei has been substituted with an alternative greeting Hallo, Norwegian for "Hello."
In a formal setting you would say your full name, but it is better to just use your first name when being introduced to new friends.
Hyggelig å møte deg. has been shortened down to just Hyggelig. When meeting someone in a formal context, for instance in a job context “hyggelig å møte deg” would be the most appropriate greeting. When beeing introduced to new friends hyggelig will do.
One more time- One way to introduce yourself in Norwegian is Hei, jeg heter Nora. Hyggelig å møte deg.
An alternative way to introduce yourself is
Hallo, jeg heter Nora. Hyggelig.
Now it’s time for Nora’s Insights.
When you introduce yourself, it's a good habit to shake hands in Norway and, while hyggelig å møte deg is slightly more formal than just hyggelig, you don’t need to worry too much about which you choose to use.
If you use one of these sentences with Norwegian people, they’re definitely going to be impressed!
Do you know how we say “thank you” in Norwegian? You’ll learn how to say this and many other words in the next lesson. Takk, og sees neste gang. See you then!