
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Eric: Hi everyone, and welcome back to NorwegianClass101.com. This is Upper Beginner Season 1 Lesson 8 - Is Your Norwegian Flight Delayed? Eric here.
Ida: Hallo. I'm Ida.
Eric: In this lesson, you’ll become familiar with typical announcements at the airport. The conversation takes place in the departure lounge of a Norwegian airport.
Ida: It's an announcement by airline staff.
Eric: The conversation takes place in a professional setting so the announcer will be using polite Norwegian. Okay, let's listen to the conversation.
Flypersonell: Dette er en kunngjøring for alle passasjerer på Skandinavisk fly SD104 til Sogndal. På grunn av tekniske årsaker er flyet nå forsinket. Den nye tida for dette flyet er nå 12:35.
...litt senere...
Flypersonell: Dette er en kunngjøring for alle passasjerer på Skandinavisk fly SD104 til Sogndal. Gaten for dette flyet har blitt endret til gate A13.
...litt senere...
Flypersonell: Skandinavisk fly SD104 til Sogndal er nå klart for ombordstigning. Vi ber alle passasjerer med sete fra rad 20 til og med rad 40 velkommen ombord nå.
Eric: Listen to the conversation one time slowly.
Flypersonell: Dette er en kunngjøring for alle passasjerer på Skandinavisk fly SD104 til Sogndal. På grunn av tekniske årsaker er flyet nå forsinket. Den nye tida for dette flyet er nå 12:35.
...litt senere...
Flypersonell: Dette er en kunngjøring for alle passasjerer på Skandinavisk fly SD104 til Sogndal. Gaten for dette flyet har blitt endret til gate A13.
...litt senere...
Flypersonell: Skandinavisk fly SD104 til Sogndal er nå klart for ombordstigning. Vi ber alle passasjerer med sete fra rad 20 til og med rad 40 velkommen ombord nå.
Eric: Listen to the conversation with the English translation.
Flight personnel: This is an announcement for all passengers on Scandinavian flight SD104 to Sogndal. Due to technical causes, this flight has now been delayed. The new time for this flight is now 12:35.
...a little later...
Flight personnel: This is an announcement for all passengers on Scandinavian flight SD104 to Sogndal. The gate for this flight has been changed to gate A13.
...a little later...
Flight personnel: Scandinavian flight SD104 to Sogndal is now ready for boarding. We ask all passengers seated from row 20 to row 40 to board now.
Eric: Ida, are flight delays common in Norway?
Ida: I would say it’s about the same as in other countries. Except when there are big snowstorms, air transport in Norway is almost always up and going.
Eric: I suppose that snow is a constant element in the winter, isn’t it?
Ida: Yes, but we’re used to it. When airports like Heathrow in England or Paris Charles de Gaulle in France are closed because of snow, Olso lufthavn, which is Oslo Airport, the biggest airport in Norway, is running smoothly as any other day of the year.
Eric: Are there many domestic flights?
Ida: Actually air transport has become a main travel method in Norway because the distance between north and south is so big. Also, the Norwegian terrain, with its obstacles like fjords and a lack of rail transport, can make land travel difficult.
Eric: What are the major airline companies?
Ida: Major airlines based in Norway are Scandinavian Airlines, Norwegian Air Shuttle, and Widerøe.
Eric: Can you introduce us to some useful sentences or expressions?
Ida: Oslo Lufthavn er kjent som Gardermoen av de fleste.
Eric:This means "Oslo Airport goes by the name of Gardermoen for most people.” Okay, now onto the vocab.
Eric: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary from this lesson. The first word is..
Ida: kunngjøring [natural native speed]
Eric: information
Ida: kunngjøring[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Ida: kunngjøring [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Ida: passasjer [natural native speed]
Eric: passenger
Ida: passasjer[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Ida: passasjer [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Ida: årsak [natural native speed]
Eric: cause
Ida: årsak[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Ida: årsak [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Ida: fly [natural native speed]
Eric: airplane
Ida: fly[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Ida: fly [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Ida: å være forsinket [natural native speed]
Eric: to be delayed
Ida: å være forsinket[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Ida: å være forsinket [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Ida: gate [natural native speed]
Eric: gate
Ida: gate[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Ida: gate [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Ida: ombordstigning [natural native speed]
Eric: boarding
Ida: ombordstigning[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Ida: ombordstigning [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Ida: rad [natural native speed]
Eric: row
Ida: rad[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Ida: rad [natural native speed]
Eric: Let's have a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first phrase is..
Ida: på grunn av
Eric: meaning "due to."
Ida: På is a preposition meaning "on," grunn is a noun meaning "cause," and av is another preposition meaning "of." Together, på grunn av means "because of" or "due to."
Eric: It usually has negative connotations, so it’s often used to explain problems.
Ida: Right, to talk about positive results, use takket være. Takket means "thanks", være is the verb "to be," and put together they mean "thanks to."
Eric: Can you give us an example using the first phrase?
Ida: Sure. For example, you can say.. Jeg kom for sent på jobben på grunn av en ulykke på motorveien.
Eric: ..which means "I was late to work due to an accident on the highway." Okay, what's the next word?
Ida: å be
Eric: meaning "to ask."
Ida: Å be is a verb meaning to ask someone for a favor or to make a request. It is a polite and formal way of making a request. It’s usually constructed in two different ways, followed by a verb in infinitive without å, like Jeg ber deg spise,
Eric: meaning “I ask you to eat.”
Ida: å be can be followed by om and a verb in the infinitive with å, for example Jeg ber deg om å spise.
Eric: Which also means “I ask you to eat.”
Ida: Another example could be Kan du vær så snill å gjøre det du blir bedt om?
Eric: .. which means "Can you please do what you are asked to do?"
Ida: You can also find patterns like å be om å få lov,
Eric: meaning "to ask for permission."
Ida: å be is "to ask," om is the preposition "if", å få is "to get," and lov is "permission."
Eric: Does this verb have other meanings?
Ida: Yes, so be careful! Å be also has two other meanings. The first is "to invite," as in Han ba meg på kaffe which is "He invited me for coffee." The second, alternate meaning is "to pray," as in Jeg ber hver kveld, meaning "I pray every night."
Eric: Good to know! Okay, now onto the lesson focus.

Lesson focus

Eric: In this lesson you’ll learn how to understand simple announcements concerning your flight at the airport.
Ida: Announcements at travel-related places, such as airports, quite often start with the expression Dette er en kunngjøring,
Eric: meaning “This is an announcement.” It’s placed at the beginning of the sentence to get people’s attention.
Ida: Right, kunngjøring means “announcement.” After you hear Dette er en kunngjøring, you will probably hear for alle passasjerer på,
Eric: meaning “for all passengers on” and after this you should listen carefully, because the flight number and destination will be announced next.
Ida: Right, for example, as in the dialogue Skandinavisk fly SD104 til Sogndal
Eric: meaning “Scandinavian flight SD104 to Sogndal.”
Ida: So, to recap, first we have Dette er en kunngjøring then for alle passasjerer på followed by the flight number and destination and the main information.
Eric: What was the main information in the announcement in the dialogue?
Ida: We heard På grunn av tekniske årsaker er flyet nå forsinket.
Eric: meaning “Due to technical reasons, this flight has now been delayed.”
Ida: Den nye tida for dette flyet er nå 12:35.
Eric: “The time for this flight is now 12:35.”
Ida: Gaten for dette flyet har blitt endret til gate A13.
Eric: “The gate for this flight has been changed to gate A13.”
Ida: Actually, you can also hear information with just the flight number.
Eric: This means that you can hear the flight number with the destination followed by the main information.
Ida: For example Skandinavisk fly SD104 til Sogndal er nå klart for ombordstigning.
Eric: “Scandinavian flight SD104 to Sogndal is now ready for boarding.”
Ida: When your flight finally is ready for boarding, you will probably also hear something like Vi ber alle passasjerer med Skandinavisk fly SD104 velkommen ombord nå.
Eric: “All passengers on Scandinavian flight SD104 are welcome on board now.”
Ida: Or something like Vi ber alle passasjerer med sete fra rad 20 til og med rad 40 velkommen ombord nå
Eric: which means “We ask all passengers seated from row 20 to row 40 to board now.”
Ida: In these sentences, the verb å be was used.
Eric: As we already said, this verb is useful to ask someone for a favor or make a request. It’s a polite and formal way of making a request. Finally, what about the inflight announcements?
Ida: When you have boarded, you will probably hear Vær vennlig meaning “Please” followed by a verb in the imperative form. For example Vær vennlig å spenn fast setebeltet.
Eric: meaning “Please fasten your seatbelts.”
Ida: Other useful vocabulary would be innland and utland,
Eric:meaning domestic” and “international" respectively.
Ida: avgangsgate,
Eric: “departure gate.” Listeners, be sure to check out the lesson notes to get a complete list of vocab and expressions.


Eric: Okay, that’s all for this lesson. Thank you for listening, everyone, and we’ll see you next time! Bye!
Ida: Ha det bra.

